Sunday, 1 September 2013

My cousin dead, my husband banished...

Romeo has killed Tybalt, but Tybalt would have killed Romeo. Oh why must the nurse bring such bad news. Why should the nurse talk about my husband like that, calling him selfish and an un-loyal man? May her tongue be blistered for saying that. Even though my husband killed my cousin, he did it to stay alive. I know he is a loyal man and would not have done that for no reason.

But now my Romeo is banished. That 'banished', that one word 'banished', is as bad as ten thousand slaughtered Tybalts. Just when I thought things were working out. Why didn't the nurse just tell me everyone else died as well? That would have provoked the normal flood of tears. Can things get any worse. Now there is never ever a chance of telling my parents I married Romeo as he killed my cousin. 

Oh he is a damned saint, and honorable villain. A dove feathered raven, wolfish - ravening lamb! What am I talking about, he only killed him to stay alive. But what am I meant to do now, my cousin is killed and my Romeo is banished. I do hope Nurse finds Romeo, or my tears will flood my whole bedroom.  Why must this happen to me, things are finally working out and then this happens. Why must Romeo and Tybalt be so stupid to fight. Will anything get better, or will things just become worse....? Is this the end for Romeo and I? Will I have to now marry Paris? 

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